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What are you doing-lesson81 免费教案

[03-06 18:10:10]   来源:http://www.51jxk.com  初一英语教案   阅读:8861

概要:Lesson 81教学设计示例(一) 一、教学内容 语法:现在进行时的肯定式、疑问式。 二、教具 录音机;教室内一些实物等。 三、课堂教学设计 1.值日生报告。 2.教师拿起一把扫帚,做如下演示: T:Whats this in English? S:Its a broom. T:Right. Now, look at me.(做出扫地状)I am cleaning the classroom (the floor).动作重复几次,让学生猜这句话意思。然后,在黑板上按如下格式写出: clean I am (Im) cleaning the classroom. 其中动助词am (m) 及动词的现在分词词尾-ing要用彩色粉笔书写。 拿起一本书,做出读书状。 T:Im reading a book. 同时按刚才形式,把动词和句子依次写在黑板上。通过这种方式,本课生词可基本教完。 3.教师领读生词。重复刚才的动作,并领读黑板上的句子。启发全班思考:黑板上用彩色粉笔写出:am, -ing等分别表示什么?教师扼要讲解。 4.请一位同学到前面与教师做如下演示: S:(手持扫帚

What are you doing-lesson81 免费教案,标签:七年级下册英语教案,七年级下英语教案,http://www.51jxk.com

Lesson 81教学设计示例(一)








T:Whats this in English?

S:Its a broom.

T:Right. Now, look at me.(做出扫地状)I am cleaning the classroom (the floor).动作重复几次,让学生猜这句话意思。然后,在黑板上按如下格式写出:

clean I am (Im) cleaning the classroom.

其中动助词am (m) 及动词的现在分词词尾-ing要用彩色粉笔书写。


T:Im reading a book.


3.教师领读生词。重复刚才的动作,并领读黑板上的句子。启发全班思考:黑板上用彩色粉笔写出:am, -ing等分别表示什么?教师扼要讲解。



T:What are you doing?

反复问几次,让全班猜这句话意思。启发这位同学答出:I am cleaning the classroom.其他动词做同样处理。教师领读:What are you doing? 等句。



S1:What’s she doing?

S2:She’s drawing a picture, I think.

S1:What’re they doing?

S2:They’re speaking. They’re speaking English, I think.






1.listen to 听

listen是个不及物动词,不及物动词后面一般不能有宾语。但有些不及物动词,如listen, look等词,加上相应介词,构成一个短语动词,后面就可以接宾语了。例如:

Please listen to the teacher. 请听老师讲。

Look at the blackboard, please. 请看黑板。

2.do ones homework 做作业 

ones 是“某人的”意思,在句中,要改为与主语人称相一致的物主代词。例如:

1)He does his homework in the evening. 他晚上做作业 。

2)  They’re doing their homework now. 他们现在正在写作业 。

Lesson 81 教学设计示例(二)

● 教学目标 :

1.复习名词复数及句型Do it like this/that.

2. 初步学习动词ing的结构和用法及现在进行时。


● 教学用具:


● 教学步骤 :

Step 1  Revision

本节课的Duty Report可让值日生汇报完必说的内容后,让同学们自由提问,或值日生向全班同学提问。如:How can I fold(折) the paper in half? Do it like this. How can I get the news? Watch TV.等, 利用值日生的每日工作很自然的引出本节课的话题。

Step 2  Presentation

教师可随意做一些具体动作,边做边说What am I doing? I am eating/opening the door/looking at the picture. 等。经过几次练习,再找出一名同学让他表演动作。然后教师问What’re you doing?并帮助该同学回答I am swimming/ singing/dancing…教学生What’re you doing?这一句型。讲解What are you doing?是问一个人目前正在干什么,回答时应说 I am cleaning the room.等。

Step 3  Read and act

不看书,听录音。让学生认真听两遍录音机的内容然后跟着重复。再齐读1-2遍。在学生理解了对话内容之后,两人一组根据方格中所给的词组进行对话练习。注意I want some help.中的help是名词。当help作名词时是不可数名词,不能加s。


Step 3  Presentation

教师可找一名女同学到黑板前画简笔画,在该同学画画的同时,教师问同学:What is the girl doing?并自己回答:She is drawing a picture.让一名男同学站起做读书状,问其他同学:What is the boy doing?鼓励同学自己答出:He is reading a book.如此反复练习,让学生掌握What’s she/he doing? He/She is…句型及本课单词。

Step 4  Practice


Step 5  Consolidation

1. They ______ ( play) cards now. Let’s go and join them.

2. Look! The old man ______ ( have) a cup of tea.

3. He often ________ (wear) black jackets and black trousers. We call him “The Man In Black”.

4. Can you ______ ( help) me carry the box?

5. Listen! The girls______(sing) in the next room.

Answers: 1. are playing  2. is having  3. wears  4 .help  5. are singing

Blackboard Handwriting

Lesson 81

What’re you doing?

I’m making the bed.

What’s the girl doing?

She’s drawing a picture.

Lesson 81教学设计示例(三)

● Teaching aims


make, make the bed, homework, do (one’s) homework, read, write

● Key points

掌握句型:What are you doing?

I’m making the bed/reading.…

● Difficult points


● Teaching methods


● Teaching aids

录音机、投影仪、图片、微机、课件Lesson 81教学演示.ppt

● Teaching procedures

Step 1  Revision

1.值日生做Morning report,根据Morning report提出问题并让学生回答。

2.复习动作,如:drink some tea, look at the blackboard/door等并引出read,write等单词。 www.51jxk.comStep 2  Presentation

利用媒体资料学习第一段对话的第一部分。[见媒体资料What are you doing.swf]

先在静音和暂停状态下展示情境一,让同学们猜一猜父子的对话。再播放动画,熟悉对话内容。解释-ing加在动词后,表示动作正在进行,前面应加助动词BE,这是现在进行时;make the bed是整理床铺;help作名词时是不可数名词,不能加s;look/see/watch/read的区别等。

Step 3   Read and act


Step 4  Presentation

播放动画what are you doing.swf 情境二,在理解对话内容的基础上,让同学们找出这个对话的现在进行时的句子,并进行反复跟读,扮演角色练习等。


Step 5  Practice

让学生看本课的动作图片(见课件Lesson 81教学演示.ppt),并用一句话说出每幅图的动作是什么。如:

He’s making the bed.

He’s doing homework.

He’s mending bike.

He’s cleaning room.

He’s playing computer games.

He’s thinking/ eating/ reading/ drawing/writing.

They’re cleaning the classroom.

They’re playing basketball.

Step 6 Summary

让同学们总结现在进行时动词的变化特点,并说出它们在句中的位置。然后播放动画what are you doing.swf 中的现在进行时中的句子。帮助学生完善总结。

1) 直接在动词原形后面加-ing。如:

read – reading cook – cooking talk– talking

2) 以e结尾的动词把e去掉加-ing。如:

write  → writing make  → making close  → closing

3) 以一个辅音字母加一个元音字母结尾的重读闭音节单词, 要双写最后一个辅音字母再加-ing。如:

run → running cut → cutting swim → swimming

Step 7  Exercises


1. It’s time _______ ( play) football. ______ ( put) on your shoes, please.

2.My father is over there. He ______(clean) his car.

3. Don’t______(do)it like that. Do it like this.

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