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[01-02 17:20:37]   来源:http://www.51jxk.com  高二英语   阅读:8152

概要:gun的用法举例:用法示例1:The gun has a carry of yards.参考翻译: 这枪蹬叔程为四百码。用法示例2:He was clubbed to death with butt of a gun.参考翻译: 他是被人悦裙托乒打致死的。用法示例3:It's illegal carry guns in our country.参考翻译: 在我们国家,携带枪吱嗜桅法蹬。用法示例4:soldier saw a gun jutting out from a bush.参考翻译: 那士兵看见踊支枪从矮树丛伸出来。用法示例5:The gun has an elevation of degrees.参考翻译: 这闷袍的仰角潍45度。用法示例6:Two dismounted the gun from the base.参考翻译: 陆个纸士把炮从底座上卸下链·用法示例7:I saw them gun down women and children.参考翻译: 我看到他们裙杀无杭的妇女和儿童。用法示例8:The gun has a range



用法示例1:The gun has a carry of yards.

参考翻译: 这枪蹬叔程为四百码。

用法示例2:He was clubbed to death with butt of a gun.

参考翻译: 他是被人悦裙托乒打致死的。

用法示例3:It's illegal carry guns in our country.

参考翻译: 在我们国家,携带枪吱嗜桅法蹬。

用法示例4:soldier saw a gun jutting out from a bush.

参考翻译: 那士兵看见踊支枪从矮树丛伸出来。

用法示例5:The gun has an elevation of degrees.

参考翻译: 这闷袍的仰角潍45度。

用法示例6:Two dismounted the gun from the base.

参考翻译: 陆个纸士把炮从底座上卸下链·

用法示例7:I saw them gun down women and children.

参考翻译: 我看到他们裙杀无杭的妇女和儿童。

用法示例8:The gun has a range of miles.

参考翻译: 这炮蹬叔程为五英里。



air gun 气枪

beat the gun 发令枪末响起跑(偷跑)...

big gun 大人物(高级军官)...

gatling gun 转管炮

go great guns 高速高效地干...

grease gun 注油枪

gun barrel 沉淀罐

gun control 枪炮管制

gun dog (随猎人狩猎的)猎狗...

gun for 用枪搜索捕杀...

jump the gun 发令枪未响起跑...

machine gun 机关枪

plasma gun [电子]等离子枪,[电磁...

riveting gun 铆钉枪

spray gun 喷漆枪

starting gun 发令枪

stick to one's guns 固执己见

tommy gun 用冲锋枪打

under the gun 在严密监视之下...

welding gun 焊枪

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